Aptera Motors is on a mission to create the most aerodynamic passenger vehicle with a drag coefficient of just .13 Cd, which could surpass the efficiency of a Hyundai Ioniq 6 by 38%. The company’s ambitious goal is to achieve 10 miles per kWh, a significant milestone in vehicle efficiency. To advance its design, Aptera has partnered with the Italian design firm Pininfarina, known for its aerodynamic expertise, to test the vehicle in a wind tunnel and refine its aerodynamics.

The vehicle’s design, which is reminiscent of an airplane, was conceived with the lowest possible drag coefficient in mind. Aptera is utilizing insights from Professor Morelli, the engineer who originally designed the Pininfarina Wind Tunnel, as inspiration for its design philosophy. The collaboration between Aptera and Pininfarina has begun with the testing of Aptera’s Gamma prototype, with plans to test the upcoming “Delta” prototypes that are closer to production specifications.

This partnership marks a significant step for Aptera, with Co-CEO Steve Fambro expressing excitement over Pininfarina’s contribution to validating and enhancing the aerodynamic performance of their vehicle, which is crucial to realizing Aptera’s vision of an ultra-efficient passenger vehicle.

Key Takeaways:

  • Aptera Motors is collaborating with Pininfarina to achieve an unprecedented drag coefficient of .13 Cd for its electric vehicle, aiming to significantly enhance its aerodynamics and efficiency.
  • The company’s vehicle is designed to potentially achieve 10 miles per kWh, setting a new standard for electric vehicle energy efficiency.
  • Aptera is currently testing its latest prototype vehicles in a wind tunnel to refine its design and bring it closer to production readiness.

“”Aptera’s exterior design draws inspiration from the research of Professor Morelli, the same engineer behind the Pininfarina Wind Tunnel. By building on Professor Morelli’s ideas, Aptera carries on this philosophy, continuing to push bounds of aerodynamic efficiency,” Pininfarina’s Head of Wind Tunnel, Alessandro Aquili, said.”

More details: here